Sunday, February 19, 2006


Continuing the Sweet Theme...Make Mine Sugar Too

Last Sunday’s NYT had a sobering article on aspartame, which has finally convinced me to give it up. A study published last year found statistically significant increases in lymphoma and leukemia in rats being fed moderate doses of the sweetener. At the time, the results were covered in a press release by the Center for Science in the Public Interest that puts things into layman’s terms. Basically, it is starting to look as though aspartame is a carcinogen. The research was published in a respected journal—this is no crackpot theory.

Aspartame and its breakdown products have been linked to a variety of other symptoms, including exacerbation of mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

I always thought (probably naively) that if things were approved for use in the U.S. they were pretty much guaranteed to be safe. Not so. There are a lot of politics involved in some cases. I am convinced…and converted. I won’t be surprised if aspartame disappears from grocery shelves as quickly as trans fats did.


How bout Splenda? Supposedly comes from Sugar? Hey I'm doing some investigating reporting to find Barbara....has she been by the bar? If you hear any juicy gossip let me know!
It's something I've actively avoided based on taste and a deep seated suspicion that it just wasn't quite right. This is quite scary. I made concessions for only a few things, but I think I've popped my last Juicy Fruit.
Artful, I'm with you: I'm glad I never got to heavily into the stuff.

Lazy Daisy, they say Splenda is a good alternative. And as for Barbara--how did you guess? Don't tell anyone I told you, but she was here earlier doing tequila shots with the biker gang that likes to hang out by the jukebox.

But it doesn't count for Diet Coke - right? right?
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