Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Miracle Cure

It ain't pretty when it's coming back up, but after the dust settles, it has amazing restorative powers.

Our house has been the place of disease and pestilence for the past two days, but this morning, when given the choice between having Cocoa Puffs plus going to school vs. Healthy Cereal X and staying home another day, guess what my second daughter chose?

Hallelujah, she's goin' to school!


Sunday, October 28, 2007


Here's Your Blog Hon

I can't believe I'm becoming one of those women. Yesterday, quite unintenionally I called our server..."Honey." As in, "Thank you Honey," after she took our order. I didn't even realize I did it until my husband said, "Did you just call her honey?" OMG. I used to always think it was so affected when women would call strangers that, but now I realize that it is such a habit from calling both kids and my husband "honey" that it is just an automatic response. I'll draw the line though at saying, "Kiss my grits!"


Friday, October 26, 2007


I Mommed Your Facebook

I would have completely forgotten about the Facebook account I signed up for--I think I originally did it because I wanted to see comments someone had written about our tee shirts
(not the one in the picture at left!) But then the friend requests started trickling in.

Now, you have to understand: I only have three Facebook friends. But the growth was positively explosive this week: a staggering two whole friend requests within days of each other. And there's something vaguely addictive about it...I actually considered putting out my own requests before the voice of reason stepped in (they make it so seductively easy--you can mass mail everyone on your Gmail list for example.)

For now, the voice of reason is prevailing. After all, I don't fully understand the implications of all this friending. I only just discovered that my sole Netflix friend--Ahem, Kelly!--can view my movie queue. Plus, isn't it somewhat undignified for all of us ancient relics to be piling on the bandwagon? Still, if anyone else wants to be my friend, well, wouldn't it be rude to say no?


Thursday, October 25, 2007


Objects in Mirror May be Smaller than they Appear

I got a free sample of $250 an ounce eye cream. Normally I use Clinique or lately, after reading the article in the New York Times about how drugstore brands are just as good as the expensive stuff, Neutrogena. So I was excited to see if it was really true.
After using the Orlane Hypnotherapy religuously day and night (which is a step up, since I normally only use my eye cream in the AM) I think I have more wrinkles now then I did yestermonth, or it might just be because I've been obsessively staring at my eyes with a magnifying mirror for the past 30 days. (BTW, whoever invented that little torture device should be sentenced to 30 years of daily bikini waxes).

I'm not sure weather to be happy about the outcome (because if I would have seen a huge difference I might have had to take to a life of crime to support the habit) or sad (since it appears there is no cure for eye wrinkles). In any case I'll still be doing my shopping at Walgreens.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


A Whole 'Nother Disease

I wuv my new iPhone. It almost makes turning 40 seem not so bad.

Actually, I only say that because it's the expected thing: the turning forty gripe, not worshipping at the altar of the iPhone. Although, that's expected too, I suppose.

And with good reason. I now can't imagine how I lived without one. And I even had a fancy schmancy touchscreen, internet-surfing phone before.

The only problem? Something I like to call Network Deficit Disorder. It's a strange affliction. The main symptom is repeated pecking at all of the iPhone internet applications in the vain hope that the internet capability will magically be restored when clearly there is some kind of accursed temporary outage.

Also, loss of all logic, so that, say, rather than using the fully functional phone feature to simply call Wells Fargo bank, the afflicted individual will continue to do aforementioned pecking at internet features for a full forty minutes while their daughter is in piano lessons, before finally conceding that, No, the phone is, after all, the only way to find the nearest branch to make a deposit.


p.s. Dad, this is good news for you, because it means I did finally get over to the bank for you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



What a month it has been! My dad and his girlfriend came to visit. My dad is very handy and fixed somethings around the house for us. Most notably, he replaced the rubber part on our threshold and put weatherstipping on the doors so hopefully this winter our downstairs will be a little warmer than in years past. We have a split level and while the living room will be a toasty 72, the kitchen/family room are around 66 degrees. The upside is it has improved my roshambo (rock paper scissors) game as my husband and I decide who will leave the warmth to brave the cold room to get us a snack.

My husband and I also acheived our ten year anniversary. To celebrate we took the kids and spent a weekend at Lake Tahoe where we got married. Within an hour of arriving we ran into the person who married us! We hadn't seen him since our wedding day. Then we drove to San Francisco and spent a week there, basically pretending like we lived there again. We rented a two bedroom flat with a living room and a kitchen in a neighborhood where we used to live. We saw a lot of old friends and as the icing on the cake Melanie and her family drove up from Santa Barbara so we got to have an Isabella Penn reunion as well.

Now we are getting ready for Halloween. The kids have so many dress up clothes that I told them I wasn't going to buy them a costume. They can each get one small thing, but they have to make up the rest from things we already have. So we'll have to see how that goes.

In other news my brother was selected to participate in an art show in Portland. I think it is going to be in Januray so if you around you should check it out.

I think that just about covers my month, but I will try to not let another month go by without a post.


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