Wednesday, January 30, 2008


End of an Era

I'm supposed to be distraught, but I'm not. The Preschool Era is officially over. Or nearly so.

I filled out the paperwork for my youngest to go to Kindergarten next fall. Isn't that supposed to make me weep salty tears over the loss of my baby?

Seriously, I just can't work up any hysteria about this. I have enjoyed my kids at all of their different ages and stages (although, in retrospect, I must say, I'm really not a baby person. Except for other people's babies. Why is it that other people's babies are so irresistable? Is it the lack of sleep deprivation?)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this next phase. Heck, I'm already looking forward to visiting them in college and having them let me move in when I'm eighty.

Preschool, Schmeeschool.


Perhaps things would work better for you if you were schooled in the teachings of the Good Book.
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