Thursday, March 02, 2006


Thirsty Thursday

Pull up a chair and pop open a Pacifico. It's time for Thirsty Thursday. Join us if you want, invite a friend, and/or come back next week when we'll have a new Special.

What job in your past prepared you the best for parenting?

Kelly: Being a supervisor at an auto factory. The guys there didn’t listen, always wanted what the others had, and were all very sweet to me!

Melanie: Maybe being a camp cook for fifty people in the Youth Conservation Corps in Alaska. I’m not a gourmet chef, but now I can definitely produce in quantity on demand. I’m also a master at grocery list making and shopping. So that’s at least one skill that’s handy in parenting.

What job in your past was the most at odds with parenting?

Kelly: Being a waitress. Because I need to train myself not to wait on the kids (and husband) and have everyone be a little more self-sufficient.

Melanie: Scientific research. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, and perfectionism was actually a plus. To say these are not elements of my life as a parent is a gross understatement!

What job do you think would integrate the best into your life as parent, if any?

Kelly: Being a freelance writer would be ideal. I’d be able to work from home and make my own hours. Plus, if I were writing about things and ideas that were important to me then it would be rewarding as well. Another idea I’ve tossed around with Melanie is working at a temp agency. I could pick when I wanted to work and be able to get out into the “real world” at times.

Melanie: I agree with Kelly, anything I can do from home is ideal for me right now, and that includes a mix of writing and editing. I also crave the interactions with others that come with a regular job. Thank goodness we have each other!

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