Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Come to the Dark Side, Book Club

I was the only person who really enjoyed our latest selection, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It was a journey of a man and his son in a post-apocalyptic world. The two tried to find the necessities in life, food and shelter from the persistent cold and ash, while trying to avoid those who had turned to cannibalism. It was a chilling book and it gave me nightmares, yet it was beautifully written and completely brought you into the story (which is probably why I had the nightmares).

I want to check out other books by Mr. McCarthy and it also made me want to re-read On the Beach by Nevil Shute - another post-apocalyptic story. No decision on what our next book is that we will read, but I'm sure it will be much lighter. As for me, I'm reading Confessions of a Pagan Nun by Kate Horsley and I recommend it for St. Patrick's Day - it will totally make you rethink the holiday much the same as reading A People's History of the United State by Howard Zinn makes you rethink Columbus Day.



I've read "On The Beach". It's alright. I am now looking into this book... "The Road" that you recommend. Sounds great, actually.
the book you described reminded me of The Postman by David Brinn you should check it out, it is a good book
I'll definitely check out The Postman. Thanks for the recommendation!
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