Saturday, December 03, 2005


Finally a Game the Pathological Liar and the Aspiring Writer Can Both Enjoy

Having been introduced to the game Balderdash by Melanie, I immediately thought of her when I saw this new board game called Liebrary in the Chicago Tribune. The game provides 350 cards that each give the title and synopsis of a real book. Each person writes down what they think the first line of the book could be, and moves down the board based on how many people think theirs is the correct first line. It’s a bit pricey at $48, but according to the Tribune, has quality wooden pieces. Melanie was going to purchase it, but the price and packaging drove her away. Maybe a graphic artist and a lower price would give them a runaway hit. (Kind of sounds like a competition on The Apprentice).

Here’s a cheaper version from my own library:

Title: Wild Animus

Synopsis: In 1969 a disillusioned Berkeley grad, Sam Altman, travels to the remote Alaskan wilderness. He falls in love and transforms himself into a ram. When the truth behind his imagined transformation emerges, their sanity and love is threatened.

First Lines:

A. Baaaa

B. A canister hit the asphalt thirty feet from Sam Altman, and white smoke coiled from its top.

C. A battered VW bug spewing smoke pulled to the side of 101 just north of Petaluma and thus began my journey.

D. Suddenly the weight of the anti-war sign was too much for Sam to bear, and he threw it roughly to the ground.

See the answer below my signature


The correct answer is B

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