Saturday, January 07, 2006


Dueling Laptops

Have I mentioned my computer troubles lately? Right now I have dueling laptops set up on my desk, and it’s not a good thing.

Here are my computer Do’s and Don’ts for 2006

1. Rearrange your office in a way that puts your desk and computer in the hot afternoon California sun, even if the Feng Shui is clearly better that way.

2. Scatter your software installation keys throughout your e-mail inboxes like leaves in the wind

3. Curse in front of the children when you are trying to figure out how to export your Outlook pst file.

1. Make liberal use of the nifty “Print Screen” feature on your keyboard. This will copy a screen dump to the clipboard, from which which you can paste it into MS Word. Very helpful for recording all those pesky settings.

2. Keep a crummy old, dinosaur-like laptop around that you can laboriously transfer all your data and software to and use while your other computer is being repaired.

3. Become obsessed with the Feng Shui of your office while your computer is still within the warranty period.


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