Monday, January 02, 2006


Rip Rip Fizz Fizz

Yesterday we had our annual New Year's Day open house and the night before I imbibed one (or maybe two) too many Cosmos. I went to bed at 2 AM and had to drag myself out of bed at seven the next morning to clean and put out food and drink for the party that started at noon. A glass of Emer’gen-C (our generation’s answer to Alka Seltzer) and a fried egg and cheese sandwich gave me the strength I needed. Around 30 people showed up and the last guests left at 6:30 that night. Ten seconds later my friend Carolyn knocked on the door bearing hot mondu (which are Korean pot stickers). I ate them up and kicked her out. Sorry Carolyn, but my three-year-old had already crashed on the couch and my soon-to-be six year old had been begging to light the menorah for the past two hours, and I was EXAUSTED. So after unceremoniously getting rid of Carolyn we lit the last of the menorah candles, opened the last present, and put the kids to bed. An hour or so later I also went to sleep without cleaning anything. The happy ending is that this morning Barry let me sleep in, fed and dressed the kids and cleaned up everything. Happy New Year!!!


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