Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Ungrateful Heathens

I’m so proud. My daughter just handed me a thank you note for her Aunt and Uncle.

I may have mentioned my one woman rebellion against the unholy proliferation of unnecessary thank you notes. My theory is that if you open the gift WITH the giver and thank them right then and there, no note is needed.

This becomes especially important when the kids reach birthday party age. I’ve received handwritten notes from the child’s mother when there were 30 or 40 kids at the party. I’ve taken to telling other mothers, “You don’t need to write me a thank you note. It’s enough for us to see little Drusilla enjoying her gift here today.” Not one of them has taken me up on it.

Usually the note duly arrives (written in the mother’s hand) a week or so later, because let’s face it, no six or seven year old is going to write forty thank you notes.

I have occasionally felt guilty for not going with the flow, knowing that the other mothers probably think I’m horribly rude and raising my kids to be ungrateful heathens. Instead, my kids have traditionally written (or dictated) just a few select notes to people who weren't in attendance at their birthdays and Christmas.

Here is an excerpt from the letter my daughter wrote today,
“Thank you for the flower notebook and pen. I will probably use the notepad when I’m finished with my first story and I will use the pen you gave me. The pen is also quite handy as a flashlight in our games. So thanks a lot for them both.”

I must say I feel vindicated, thank you very much.


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