Friday, January 20, 2006


Lies, White Lies, Damned Lies and Retouching

The White Lies short story competition judged by Jennifer Weiner has ended with a winner, Judy Blundell of Katonah, NY. When we first heard about this contest (sponsored by White Lies Chardonnay) a couple months ago, we were interested in entering, but we had to pass when one of us…ahem…was discriminated against (California residents were excluded from entering). What do they think: that all we do out here is go to yoga and drink tall extra-foamy warm soy lattes? Actually it’s Kelly who does that, but I digress. The winning entry is a well-executed interpretation of the contest’s theme “White Lies” in a story titled “Infrequent Flier”. Give it a read if you get the chance.

P.S. While we’re on the topic of lies, check out the post by Mom on the Edge that includes a link to a fascinating photo retouching site. Now we know for sure what we’ve always suspected about how those women’s mags manage to make everyone feel so bad about their pores and thighs. You can actually roll your mouse over each image to see it switch from unretouched to retouched.

--Melanie & Kelly

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