Saturday, January 14, 2006


Totally Worth It

Last night I went out to celebrate my friend Jenny’s birthday. We decided to stay in the ‘burbs instead of going downtown and went to Miramar, a French restaurant with Cuban décor. It was Carolyn’s turn to be the DD (designated driver), so I began the night with one of my favorite libations, a mojito. Needless to say, my Sonoma Diet went by the wayside as I enjoyed escargot, steak frites, and profiteroles. But all was not lost, because Miramar has a backroom with a DJ. Fortifying ourselves with another round, we hit the dance floor. It wasn’t exactly the Viper Room, but it was quite a night on the town for five suburban moms. And I’m paying for it this morning. Hubby was out of town last night, so I had kids jumping in my bed at 6 AM, and while my body may have been rocking last night, today it just feels like it was stoned. (And I don’t mean in a drug reference way, I mean it feels like someone was throwing stones at me).


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