Monday, May 15, 2006


Chill Out

Just saw the most incredible trailer for the movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, opening May 24th. It’s about global warming, a story that we’re hearing more and more about in the mainstream press.

I have never historically been the kind of person who’s an environment thumper, but everything I’ve read lately (plus this movie trailer) has me worried. I also recently heard about a Google Maps hack, called Flood Maps that shows you how much of your hometown will be under water given a certain rise in sea levels. Estimates by the EPA have sea levels rising in the range of half a meter by 2100 due to ice melt from global warming, but it could be more like three meters by the year 2200 (a 1 in 40 chance of this happening). I’ve heard higher estimates as well, and they show some scary flood maps in the movie trailer. Better unload that beachfront property now.

As parents, we owe it to our kids (and their kids...) to understand this issue and do anything we can to stop the worst from happening. Let’s go see this movie for starters.


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