Monday, May 01, 2006


A Difficult Subject

Yesterday, I went with two centered, harmonious, issue-free friends to see the movie Friends with Money. We saw a matinee and it was quite decadent. The odd thing was that rainy Sunday afternoon matinees seem to attract the senior crowd. I think we were the only people there without AARP cards in our wallets.

The movie was good, the review in the San Francisco Chronicle really sums it up for me, so I won’t bother to repeat what they said. However, I think that the subject of the film was really interesting, that is having friends in different economic circumstances and how difficult it is to discuss money. It also got me thinking about the book I’m reading for book club, Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety. In it, the author Judith Warner talks about our inability to discuss money issues and how it becomes a private issue and so good affordable child care does not become a policy issue.

Why is money such a difficult thing to talk about? Do you have friends in radically different financial circumstances than you? (One of the friends in the movie had given two million dollars to her child’s pre-school, while another was a maid)


We have friends... The DSes... and we all make about the same amount... but they budget way more than we do. We aren't awful, but we believe money is meant to help you enjoy life... so especially things like vacations, massages, food... (things that aren't STUFF to pile up around the house) we spend money on. Hmm... thank goodness ellipses are free.
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