Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I’ve decided that I want to put Mexican tile on the risers of the stairs leading to my living room. The New York Times had an article about tiles and led me to a great site called Tierra Y Fuego. Since Sunday, I’ve been working non-stop on assembling the right mix of tiles. I copy the picture of the tile and paste to a word document, then I print them out and arrange. And, yes, I must admit I’ve actually taped my sample strips to the riser. In my defense, there are a lot of tiles to choose from and they’re pretty expensive (about 3 dollars a tile), so I want to make sure I get it just right. Also, the stairs aren’t all the same length, so I need two patterns of 11, one of 12, one of 13, and one of 14. Feel free to check out the site and weigh in with your suggestions. Go to the Talavera Tile section on the site.