Saturday, April 15, 2006


Backsliding Into Perfect Momism

I think I need to check in for a three-day follow up for my twelve step Perfect Momism Recovery program. We recovering Perfect Moms must be ever-vigilant for the signs of falling off the wagon. I don’t know if it’s the birthday season or what, but lots of little things are adding up to make me a tad nervous.

Exhibit A would be the excessive searching for “perfect” goodie bag items. I think I’m having fun, but what if it’s something more sinister? Did I really need to find the “flower theme” items at three different stores in town, plus one internet purveyor? I think not. But I’m having fun, and our birthday pact said that was okay, right? Right?

Then there would be the freaking out after my daughter tested into the GATE program. One would think that being able to join in the pull-out program at her school would be good enough, hmmm? But, no, now I’m thinking that she should be transferring into the school that has our district’s only standalone GATE classroom. They sent all the details about the lottery in the letter I got a few days ago. Many want to attend, but only the chosen few can. It’s getting ugly isn’t it? I’ve even started thinking idly about her college future. She’s eight for God’s sake. Make it stop, someone.

Finally, there’s the damn bathroom paint color. It’s a bathroom. Does it really matter what color it is? Apparently it does, since I’ve now tried Martha’s “Green Apple” and Sherwin-Williams’s “Dancing Green” in both full strength and 50% formula book recipes. Not to mention the debate over water-based versus oil-based. And tomorrow I fully intend to go and get me some “Gleeful Green” since none of the above was quite right. It’s downright scary.

Okay, there. I think I’ve made a full disclosure to the group. Thank you all for your support. I promise to turn over all my worries to a higher power and try harder not to be so perfectionistic. In fact, I’m not even going to fix that little punctuation error in paragraph 2.


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