Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Do It Yourself TV

The giant SUV drives across the desert as the message “we sold ourselves for oil” scrolls across the screen, accompanied by that cheesy car-ad music we all know so well. The ad ends with a view of the interior of the new Tahoe, and the message “the ultimate padded cell.”

It’s just one of many DIY Chevy ads that have been popping up on the web this week. The website to create the ads was launched for a contest sponsored by Chevy. However, it’s the environmental parodies that are getting more attention than any sincere attempts to hawk the product.

The New York Times had an article about this today, and they raised the idea that Chevy may have very well known what would happen. And it’s probably true: you wouldn’t have been reading about the Tahoe in this space otherwise!

You can see plenty of the ads people have come up with at YouTube.

--Melanie & Kelly

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