Friday, March 31, 2006


Ode to Joe

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art just as bright and thy cool cashiers wear wicked Hawaiian shirts. And now that Trader Joe’s is taking Manhattan, I predict that Fashion Week for Spring 2007 will feature colorful flowered frocks.

Beyond their fashion sense, workers at Trader Joe’s are always sincerely friendly and helpful. It shows that treating workers well can be a beneficial part of corporate culture. Although the workers there are non-unionized, they make an average of $21 an hour compared with unionized grocery chains which average only $17.90.

But the proof is in the pudding, or would that be the delicious Simmer Sauces that make getting dinner on the table so much easier for a frazzled mom? I’m not sure why patrons of those new dinner assembly places like Dinner by the Dozen and Dream Dinners don’t just shop at Trader Joe’s.

One last tip for New Yorkers: Items at Trader Joe’s are like David Copperfield appearing and disappearing off the shelves with frustrating irregularity. So, if you find something you like, stock up on it.


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