Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Total 180 on Total 180

After watching the Good Morning America segment on the so-called “Mommy Wars”, I wanted to check out total 180, a magazine by and for professional women turned stay-at-home moms.

At the time it wasn’t available on newsstands, so I went to the website and signed up for a subscription. When it arrived, my first reaction was not good, as fluffy pieces on minivans and favorite TV moms seemed to fill the pages. I was also confused about their use of the acronym CHO, which is used liberally throughout the magazine but not defined until page 47. By the way, it stands for Chief Household Officers. Personally I’m not a huge fan of fake titles for being a stay-at-home mom, but I realize that is a matter of opinion.

As I read through more closely, there were more of the articles I had expected to see, like the profile of a woman who publishes moms-turned-authors and a funny article about one woman’s misadventures in the PTA. It seems to be a really inclusive magazine which I like, but the writing is kind of uneven and I’d like to see more articles on why we’ve made the choices we have and what we can do to make sure there are better choices for our daughters. So, I suppose I haven’t done a total 180, more like a 120. I’ll reserve the other 60 degrees for when the summer issue arrives.


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