Tuesday, November 07, 2006


He must have more than 10 fingers

This weekend, we went to a Leo Kottke concert with friends. I can safely say that it was hands down the best show I've seen all year. Let's face it: the man is a legend. It was just Leo, a red chair and two guitars on stage, but he produced more music than seemed humanly possible. He was also surprisingly funny.

Okay, so there were a couple of hummed lines when he performed my favorite song, Julie's House. However, considering the fact that he was playing it at all (apparently for many years he didn't, due to pain from the gymnastics involving his pinkie finger) I was happy.

One interesting thing I noticed was that he managed to get through the whole show with a friendly between-songs patter, and yet without revealing much about himself. In other words, he seems like a private person, despite being garrulous on stage.

I can say this for sure: he's a fountain of strange trivia: for example, did you know that when they bury a vampire in Eastern Europe, they put in a rope with lots of knots? Apparently knots are irresistable to vampires. So if a vampire wakes up in its box six feet down, it finds the knots, which it can't resist undoing, and the neighbors are saved from an unexpected blood donation.

See what I mean? You ain't gonna hear that kind of music from Richmond Fontaine.


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