Wednesday, November 01, 2006



It's official. I'm becoming my mother. Actually, I only say mother because that's what everyone expects. In truth, I'm turning into my grandmother. I realized this as I was clipping my fourth newspaper article this morning. I save them for all kinds of reasons, but NOT to send to my grandchildren. I don't have grandchildren, in case you are wondering.

No, but seriously, there's always so much great material--books that I want to watch for on Amazon, articles about insane parents that provide inspiration for writing, and of course stories for our blog.

My husband gets sort of irritated when the paper looks like Swiss cheese, so I try to only cut the ones with ads on the back until after he's read it. This also gives me a chance to see what a bad memory I have, since half the time I can't remember what the other articles were that I wanted to save. I stand there with scissors in one hand going, "now I knew there was something important in Metro, but what was it again...?"


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