Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Naps Save Lives!

Just in time for Valentine's Day--good news for your heart!

In a study of nearly 24,000 people followed over an average of six years, those who napped three times weekly reduced their risk of a heart attack by 37%.

I guess it's also really good news for the makers of the Power Nap kit. Think anyone's told them?



i can't understand why i'm still reading this...time to get nappin'!
(like i really needed an excuse anyway...) haha!
I'm starting to think I'll have to reconsider my stand on napping. I'm a nototorious non-napper--I didn't even do it when my kids were small--you know, "sleep when the baby sleeps" and all that. I'd be running around like mad. Now they tell me there's a chance it's going to cut my life short. It's so unfair.
I nap all the freaking time... on the weekends. Not at work (of course!)
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