Monday, March 13, 2006


I Survived!

Thirteen kids, two adults, one house. That was the scene of my son’s birthday party yesterday. I wanted to do an old-fashioned birthday party where the kids just play and kind of run around and have fun – and oh boy did they! They played basketball, and ran around our back yard and all through our house making their own fun, ignoring the games I had set up.

It seems that I miscalculated the time it would take for the kids to eat their pizza (and the amount of pizza they would eat). I ordered 4 extra-large pizzas and they scarfed down two of them in about five minutes flat. I was left with two whole pizzas and a lot of extra time to kill, so I had to cave in and put on an Electric Company DVD for 20 minutes to bring the energy level down to a Professional Wrestling Tournament instead of a Full Blown Riot.

After cake, I gave out pretty lame goody-bags. I had the kids decorate their own paper bags and then put in a strip of stickers, a pencil, and some leftover candy from a party my daughter went to on Saturday. I heard one of the kids remark on the way out, “Is there even anything in here?”

Oh well, it was a lot of fun, and a good idea in theory, but in the end it was just as much work as any other parties we’ve had. I think next year I might revert to taking the party off-site and letting someone else do the cleaning and organizing!


I've had the majority of our parties at home. It wasn't until last year (the kids were 7 and 5) that I caved and went off-site. The one at the play-place was fine and easy. Wild Thing's was a horse party out in the country. I had to schlep everything (crafts, games, cake, utensils, etc.) out there. Whew. I'm not sure which is harder. I applaud you for having it at home! And hello? What is the deal with gift bags? I tell you, I spend more on those than the rest of the party! Oye.
13 kids only ate 2 pizzas? I never would have guessed. The other week I went to a kids party (about 15 kids between 2 and 12) where they put up a jumping castle in the backyard. Kept them completely occupied for 6 hours straight. All you could hear from the house was a constant whir of muted yelling and screaming. And thankfully - no injuries.
I actually got really lucky that they were able to go outside at all. March weather in Chicago can be pretty dicey.

Chilihead, the schlepping is the problem w/ the offsite thing. Last year we had a bowling party, and it wasn't much more relaxing trying to have ten kids take turns bowling on two lanes.
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