Monday, July 24, 2006


School House Walks

On Saturday I had tickets to take my kids to see School House Rocks Live. I’d been prepping them with the DVD of the old television shorts and they were excited to see the show. My car had a different opinion. Someone left it on all night when she wanted to get her Gnarls Barkley CD to listen to in her husband’s car on her way to dinner with her friend on Friday night. (Why do I feel like I’m writing about my teenage daughter instead of myself? ) I tried calling a couple of people for a ride and briefly considered using the two-seater as a shuttle but it got to be like that brain teaser about the fox and the chicken and the boat. So we acted like we were living in the city again and walked the mile and a half to the theater. I was so proud of the kids for being such troopers. We were only five minutes late and just missed some of the silly improv warm up show. The kids had a great time and even thanked me later in the evening for taking them.


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