Thursday, August 24, 2006


Thirsty Thursday

Pull up a chair and pop open a Pacifico. It's time for Thirsty Thursday. Join us if you want, invite a friend, and/or come back next week when we'll have a new Special. Today’s theme…Back to school

What will you miss most about kids going back to school?

Kelly: Well, the kids of course, but also not having to schlep them from place to place and having long, luxurious days without any place to go.

Melanie: The late starts in the morning. I can hardly imagine how we are going to be ready by eight o’clock every day. Time to start resetting the ol’ circadian clock.


Kelly: Long, luxurious days without any place to go.

Melanie: Having to apply sunscreen all the time!

And of course, everyone's favorite question. What will you do with all of your free time?

Kelly: Not sure yet. I'm going to continue with my tennis and try to get in a yoga class. Also, I'll finally be able to start writing again.

Melanie: Hmmm…well, with all twelve hours of it? Yeah, like Kelly, I plan to do as much writing as I can.

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