Monday, November 27, 2006


Religious Experience

I went to a NCAA soccer quarterfinals game on Saturday. About halfway through, I realized that it was just like going to church. Okay, maybe not exactly the same, but close. Very close.

Exhibit A: Sitting and standing. In both the Catholic church and a soccer game, there is much mysterious sitting and standing. It's not entirely clear when to do what, but you just follow everyone around you. At least if you were raised in the hinterlands of Alaska by non-churchgoing non-sports fans.

Exhibit B: The singing. I must say, I do appreciate the way they give you the words on a handout in church.

Exhibit C: Sometimes you make mistakes. As when I cheered and everyone else booed. I thought it was a good thing that the other team's player lost control of the ball but the referee thought otherwise. It's kind of like the way I used to sit during communion (I'm a "Catholic" by marriage only.) Turns out you're supposed to stand or kneel until everyone's finished.

So, they don't throw tortillas in church. Okay. That's true. And they don't guard the holy water with eight security guys (apparently at the last quarterfinals, the fans made off with the goal after the game.) Still, I say the similarities are remarkable.


HI Ladies,
Like your site a lot... esp. the "no perfect mom snark" rule.

Hey, thanks. Looking forward to reading more of your blog, too.
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