Friday, September 30, 2005


Martha’s Revenge

Due to a Tivo Snafu last week, I was unable to watch to the premiere of Martha Stewart’s version of The Apprentice. This Wednesday night I took no chances, I triple-checked the settings, and at 7 P.M. made certain that it was indeed recording.

For all of my preparation and planning, I’m not completely hooked. The best thing I can say is that Martha was fabulous and seemed very real, even mentioning her jail time when one of the contestants (excuse me…applicants), wanted to quit.

Overall, the show seemed kind of bland, which may have been the influence of a set that was done in tasteful, muted, boring dove gray. The men and women vying for the chance to work with her weren’t much better. They seem less savvy than the people on Donald Trump’s version and I was kind of disappointed that there didn’t seem to be any real Martha Wanna-be’s with demure twin-sets and pearls and having won the Betty Crocker Cook-off five times in a row. Maybe there is still a chance for one to emerge. I can only hope.


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