Monday, January 09, 2006


Put Down that Makeup Brush and Back Away Slowly

The Chicago Tribune had a Ten Ways to Improve Your Health article on Sunday. I skimmed though it at first, smug that I was already doing all of the things they recommended (or at least knew about them and had them on my to-do list). Omega-3, check; Don’t Smoke, Check; Yoga, Check; Avoid Cosmetics – What the…? Apparently the FDA doesn’t check to see if the stuff we are putting on our skin is safe for consumption. Why should this bother us given that most of us don’t eat our eyebrow pencils? Because skin can absorb chemicals! Think birth control and nicotine patches. Luckily there is a website that can tell you if your favorite brand of cosmetics (or moisturizer, facial cleanser, nail polish, deodorant, etc) has a high level of harmful ingredients. It also gives you a list of products that have less harmful ingredients. I’m going to miss my Nars Orgasm blush, but I’m sure Aubrey Organics has some lovely colors.


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