Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Pinky Toe Tuck

I bought this magazine at the news stand because I was curious to see what the Mommy Makeover would be. We wrote about a Mommy Makeover in our book, but it didn’t go so far as plastic surgery. This entire magazine is devoted to plastic surgery, and I was expecting the article to provide some snarky quotes about the high expectations for mothers these days. And indeed, the article was pretty negative about the possibility of just accepting some of the changes that come with pregnancy and childbirth. But, hey, it’s a specialty plastic surgery publication. I couldn’t really blame them. And as far as actually having the surgery, that’s a personal choice, so who am I to criticize.

However…when I got to the page that featured this headline, I had to laugh. Of course, when I read the article, I found again that it wasn’t quite as bad as it looked on the surface. The pinky toe tuck is actually a medically indicated procedure in some cases and not just a cosmetic improvement. So, I can’t say anything too obnoxious there either. But still…the name does look kind of funny!


A pinky toe tuck? Is that when you haven't been working your toes out and they get a bit saggy? Flabby? Just lost their perk?

How very odd.
Phyllis Diller has had so many face lifts that she says she's 2 inches shorter than when she started....just a thought!

Thanks for the congrats...come on by, coffee's on and always ready for a chat.
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