Friday, July 28, 2006


Thirsty Thursday, er, Friday

Due to technical difficulties (stupid PC!) Here it is!
Pull up a chair and pop open a Pacifico. It's time for Thirsty Thursday. Join us if you want, invite a friend, and/or come back next week when we'll have a new Special. Today’s theme…In honor of all the summer weddings: Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

What’s something old that you will never give up?

Melanie: I have this old, beaded hair ornament from Alaska that’s made of tanned moose hide with a carved wooden pin for attaching it to the hair. I treasure it as a souvenir of my home state, and I can’t imagine ever getting rid of it, even though I haven’t worn it in years.

Kelly: Probably my husband. I can’t think of anything material. A wise woman who may or may not have been in league with Santa Clause once told me that memories are inside of you not in things. It was one of the best pieces of advice that I’ve ever received and has allowed me to let go of a lot of things that were cluttering up my house. That being said I have some items of clothing from my Grandfather, Dad, and Mom that I will probably never get rid of.

What’s something new that you recently acquired/learned how to do?

Melanie: I bought my very first energy saving light bulb. I finally saw the Al Gore movie, an Inconvenient Truth and now I’m obsessed. Who woulda thunk it?

Kelly: I just bought these awesome vintage tumblers. I think they are so funny and will be perfect for a cocktail party.

What’s something that you have borrowed or lent recently?

Melanie: The hugest stack of library books. I haven’t been going there often enough, and my house is starting to look like a bookstore. So, yesterday I checked out twelve books and four books on tape. At least they will only add to the clutter temporarily.

Kelly: I just borrowed 11 CDs from Carolyn.

What’s something blue that you would never wear to a wedding?

Melanie: I hardly ever wear blue anyway, but let’s see…I guess maybe my new blue Swatch, since it’s not fancy enough.

Kelly: Blue jeans of course! Although my brother’s was kind of informal, so I’ll say my blue bathing suit. Even if it were a beach wedding, I would pick a different one.

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