Thursday, November 30, 2006


Got an extra $4,000 to $15,000 laying around? Good. Now you can get the latest and greatest in high end parenting: the professional video of your child. Companies like First Year Films specialize in extracting money from parents who either don't have the time or ability to get those special moments in the can (no, not the potty training; I mean film in the can, duh.)

Experts interviewed for an article in today's NY Times point out that one hazard of such films is that they tend to make children view themselves as stars. This can either make the kids overly egotistical or too hard on themselves when they do something later in life that's less photogenic.

Besides, the same money conservatively invested could more than double by the time today's babies are ready for college. But maybe that doesn't matter if you've got such a hefty chunk of change to spare on home videos in the first place.


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