Thursday, November 30, 2006


A Turn of the Tide?

Yesterday the New York Times had an article on drinking for two, i.e. alcohol, and for a change as refreshing as a gin and tonic on a hot summers day it didn't vilify women who decide to have a glass of wine (or 3) during pregnancy. As a mom guilty of occasionally imbibing while pregnant, I felt it heartening to read some common sense published instead of the guilt inducing news that is usually spouted about what moms and moms-to-be should or shouldn't eat, drink, or do.

I've always thought it ironic and unfair was that the later in pregnancy you are, the safer it is for to have a sip of wine. During the first trimester you could do body shots of tequila off of Robert Downey Jr. and no one would bat an eye, but just try doing a little wine tasting at the Santa Ynez valley two weeks away from delivering and its a totally different story.



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