Monday, February 26, 2007


Sticky Situation

A sick and twisted truth of life that I've recently discovered: if you buy something at one of those discount stores, like Ross or Tuesday Morning, the amount of man hours spent scraping off the uber-sticky price stickers will cancel out any savings you might have realized at the cash register.

Seriously, why do those places use such incredibly adhesive price stickers? It's downright sadistic. I just spent half an hour removing labels from some plates I bought over the weekend. Same thing happened a couple of weeks ago with something I picked up at Ross.

And as for the picture. Well, it doesn't really tie in. But it came up when I was googling "chewing gum" in a vain effort to find a picture of something sticky. How does she do that?


hey Mel - Tip o' the day - pull out your blow dryer and blow all over that little bugger. The sticker should come right off once the adhesive is warm...really...
Interesting Post. I'm having a "No Lurking" night.
SB Dave, you are a genius! I (and my fingernails) thank you!

Jake, thanks for delurking!
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