Thursday, April 13, 2006


Thirsty Thursday

Pull up a chair and pop open a Pacifico. It's time for Thirsty Thursday. Join us if you want, invite a friend, and/or come back next week when we'll have a new Special. Today’s theme…Your Significant Other.

Where did you meet your husband?

Kelly: In first class, on a plane from Washington National to Newark the day after Christmas. He was in DC visiting his brother and on his way home to San Francisco. I was in DC visiting a friend on my way to SF to visit another friend. The ticket agent upgraded me for the short flight to Newark and my husband-to-be used his last upgrade coupon so that I could continue being his seatmate for the long fight across the country. At the time I was living in Michigan, so when we landed he gave me his card with every possible way to get in touch with him (cell, home, work, email, fax). I emailed him once I was safely back in Michigan and we got married 10 months later.

Melanie: In Advanced Molecular Genetics at UCLA. We were assigned to the same study group because our last names started with the same letter. And now, of course, we have our own little genetics experiments.

What makes him significant?

Kelly: As I said in my earlier post, my husband is really my best friend and as clichéd as this sounds he makes me laugh. Being married to him is like being married to your favorite comedian that tailors his jokes just to you.

Melanie: Apparently I will never be able to drive him away. He seems to love me no matter what I do, which probably makes him one in a million, because I can be a doozy.

What makes him other?

Kelly: I think the hardest “other” we had to overcome was our arguing styles. I have/had kind of a flashing anger where I will lash out, but then feel better and want to for things to just go along as they were. This hurts his feelings and he becomes silent and withdrawn, which drives me crazy!

Melanie: Ummm, the fact that it often seems like we disagree about just about everything? Actually it’s not that bad. The last presidential election was the first time ever that our votes actually did not cancel each other out. That’s progress. Who knows, by our golden anniversary, we may have given up debating altogether. But I’m not holding my breath.

re: What makes him significant?

My answer about my DH:
He reminds me of Alex P. Keaton.
I like that. I always had a crush on Michael J. Fox as a teen.

After we wrote our answers to this Thirsty Thursday, I thought of a whole bunch of other things I could have said in addition, like the fact that my husband is really good with kids. He's good at games and entertaining them...or even convincing them to calm down when we're having a party and there's a gang of under-tens around. I once saw him put our daughter to sleep on the sand of a loud, cold, windy Big Sur beach. It's a slightly supernatural quality! I guess maybe I will have to write another blog on it someday.
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