Tuesday, May 23, 2006


False Advertising

Picked up the latest People magazine this weekend. No, really, I read it for the book reviews.

And saw this ad, which definitely taps into the whole Yummy Mummy thing. The ad copy reads: Hot mama. Even in my role as mom, I want to look great. So I drink milk. Studies suggest that people who drink milk regularly tend to weigh less and have less body fat than those who don't. So raise a glass and let milk play its part."

Yeah, right. Drink milk and we’ll look like Liz Hurley.

At least this time, the science is on our side. The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine has actually come out against the Hurley milk ads, which also include a swimsuit shot that ran in Sports Illustrated.

Love this quote from one of their staff dieticians: “If Ms. Hurley drinks as much milk as the dairy industry advises, she may soon have trouble fitting into her bikini,” says Susan Levin, M.S., R.D.


HA HA HA HA LOVE IT!! Perhaps she waters down her skim milk, and then adds ice cubes.
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