Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Lying with Love

I'm not sure at this point if I'm a great mom or a no good, rotten liar.

This is the year that my oldest has really started questioning Santa. It wasn't exactly subtle when the babysitter accidentally let her see the big box from the music company, which my daughter suspected was her sister's requested violin from the big jolly man.

Scrambling desperately, we first tried to tell her the box contained a gift for my hubby. "But, Mommy, it said violin on it," sez she.


Somehow, I didn't notice that as I was frantically hustling the box to the basement before she could see it again. BTW, maybe I should really start reading things a little closer--see stamps blog below.

We know that she wants us to help her believe. Desperately. Our best piece of evidence is the fact that every time a box arrives at the door now, she bolts the other direction with her eyes clamped shut and her hands over her ears, yelling, "I can't hear you, I can't hear you."

So now, the plan is to give daughter number 2 TWO violins. We figure this will be the perfect cover, because: A) It proves we didn't know that Santa was going to give her one, ergo we cannot be Santa, and B) It explains what was in that damn box.


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