Thursday, December 21, 2006


'Tis the Season

I know just how Melanie feels. I can not wait until Monday is done. I got the last of my presents today and am just crossing my fingers that two last presents arrive in time. I spent more money on shipping than I did on the present for my Grandma because I waited until the last minute to send it. Though I had the most pleasant experience at the UPS store. When some grumpy guy tried to get in front of me the lady at the counter took me first instead, making grumpy old guy fill out his paperwork. Then, she noticed that the address I had jotted on the box was different than the one I filled out on the form and she called me at home to make sure which was the right one. Now that is service - I take back all the mean things I've said over the years about UPS - and belive me there have been many!

My brother and his wife are coming to stay with us tomorrow, so that should be fun, but I probably won't get a lot of blogging (or anything else done) until after the first of the year. Which isare our traditional New Year's Day Open House. So far about 60 people have RSVP'd favorably. I hope they all don't show up at once. Mel, do you guys want to give up your warm SB weather for a weekend in the cold? If so you're welcome to join the party!

Hope everyone has a great holiday with whatever you celebrate (we also do Hanukkah, so I've been busy with that too!). And here's hoping we all survive having the kids at home for two weeks! Our school gets out on Friday and they don't go back until the 8th. That sounds like such a long long long ways away.

-In honor of Mel- LAOIS


Tis the season to sit with the Good Book and learn of Him.
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