Monday, April 09, 2007


Mulch Hangover

I would have posted more last week, honest. Except for the fact that, under the guidance of my good friend Katharine, I completely replanted every single flower bed around my house in a two day orgy of horticultural mania.

We went to every nursery in town. Some more than once. And there were other petty inefficiencies, such as when I had loaded and unloaded about twenty or thirty bags of mulch, amendment and potting soil from my Mercedes wagon, and it occurred to me how much easier it would've been to have the stuff delivered in a big truckload. Alas, by then it was too late.

The real low point, however was when we realized that the hot water heater wasn't working, putting our much-needed showers in serious peril. Or maybe it was when I received an e-mail containing proofs of an article that had to be turned around immediately. I felt like Superwoman as I proofed it at the dining room table in my grungy gardening clothes, even finding some numerical errors that needed fixing before publication. I can bring home the organic mulch and fry it up with some copyediting in a pan. I am woman, hear me roar. I am...trying to remember to water all those plants we put in.

Anyway, it was all worth it, because the garden looks beautiful and it's not even grown in yet. Plus, the article is in press as we speak. I can't wait to see both in a few weeks!


you go girl. I too can be accused of mulch mania. Greetings from NZ
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