Monday, June 04, 2007


Vintage from the Garage

Who knew it was possible to whip up a batch of tasty Viognier in one's garage? After attending a wine bottling party this weekend, now we know: it can be done...and with style.

When we were first invited to our friend's party, we weren't quite sure what a wine bottling party would entail--and not even sure how to dress, although in the end we decided to go with clothes that would mesh well with a splash of Pinot here and there. I do think my brown top had a certain Je ne sais spill wine all over me quoi.

What we actually did during the party was to transfer the finished product from glass carboys into 600 bottles, adding corks, bottle toppers and labels. I was particularly proud of my labeling prowess. Those babies are on there STRAIGHT! And my husband enjoyed operating the torture machine-looking device for corking the wine (see picture) which is more challenging than it looks.
600 bottles of wine, and that was the easy part, compared to actually making the stuff. All in all, it only took a few hours since there were so many people working together. The best part? We got to take home a bottle of each kind of wine!


You're more than welcome to visit Napa at the end of July for another fabulous bottling party! We bottle our wine the last weekend of July. It's about 4 times as much work given that we have over 2700 bottles but we also have a lot of fun! We are always recruiting slave labor that works for wine. :)
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