Thursday, May 25, 2006


Thirsty Thursday

Pull up a chair and pop open a Pacifico. It's time for Thirsty Thursday. Join us if you want, invite a friend, and/or come back next week when we'll have a new Special. Today’s theme…Morning, Noon and Night.

Where were you and what were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday morning?

Kelly: Driving to Whole Foods to get food for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.

Melanie: Sitting at my desk at home, trying to write, until the phone rang and the dentist (who I jilted last week by completely forgetting my appointment) asked me if I could fill a slot left by a cancellation.

Twelve o’clock noon?

Kelly: Feeding the kids soup I bought for them at Whole Foods (Black Bean and Split Pea) which they didn’t like and so needing to figure out something else quickly because the bus was coming in twenty minutes.

Melanie: Back at the desk, feverishly writing, but with very clean teeth and the comforting feeling of knowing that I don’t have any new cavities, plus I have a new toothbrush.

Nine o’clock at night?

Kelly: Watching Inked. I’ve never seen it before, but it was pretty good. I might need to start Tivoing it.

Melanie: Frantically trying to bathe kids, so I could sneak out for a drink with friends.

Twelve o’clock midnight?

Kelly: Listening to the most amazing thunderstorm. (of course I had just watered my garden a mere five hours prior)

Melanie: Eating soup in a late night restaurant that offered neither nachos nor French fries, and which instead had a menu of entrees only (no appetizers) and a two page list of “rules” including a $3.00 cake serving charge and $15.00 plate sharing charge. It was just…wrong.

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