Tuesday, June 26, 2007


From Pinatas to Maguro in 10 Easy Steps

Finally, after years of kids' birthday parties, my husband and I have learned how to throw a party. Simple: you just send out the invitation and the rest falls into place by the time the designated date arrives.
Martha Stewart we are not, but the logic is inescapable.

And this is how we wound up inviting twenty or so of our nearest and dearest friends to a sushi-making party scheduled for mid-July.
I should mention here that neither my husband nor I has ever made sushi in our lives. But we've eaten a lot of sushi in restaurants, so, hey, we figured we were emininently qualified.
There was that tiny moment of terror after hitting the send button on the Evite, I'll admit, but by then it was too late.
Did I mention we invited more than 20 people to this thing????
Actually, we're doing okay. So far, the process has been very educational. I've learned the difference between true, traditional Maguro (bluefin tuna) and the more widely available version that passes for Maguro at many sushi restaurants, and in a few weeks, at chez moi (yellowfin tuna). I've discovered where to find raw fish, flying fish roe and dried seaweed in my town (no, not at the beach.) Still looking for a good, reasonably priced set for serving sake to that many people.

Tonight is our trial run at making a batch of the stuff. For the record, we do not plan to use a human, naked sushi platter. This is, after all, real life and not the movies. Even though the naked sushi plate thing is apparently practically mainstream (even our beloved NY Times has reported on it.)
Wish us luck!

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