Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Possibly the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
What do you do when your used Michael Crichton book is only worth a penny on Amazon used? If you're trying to live up to a New Year's Resolution to maintain a steady state equilibrium in the book department (Books In=Books Out), like I am, you turn to the amazing book trading site, Bookins.com.
It's a great idea for people who live in small houses--and good for the planet, too. You enter the ISBN numbers of your unwanted books. They're worth points that can be used to make fair trades with other people's used books. All you pay is $3.99 for postage. Picture me as Scarlett O'Hara, bosom heaving (okay, skip that part if you want)..."As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry buy new books again!!!"