Sunday, August 26, 2007


Not OCD, Just Trendy

Oh, thank heaven. Finally. Lists are "in."

In my family, it's considered a sort of family disease. However, an article in today's NY Times Style section makes list-making sound practically like the hippest thing since the iPhone (the article even cleverly includes the author's to-do list embedded in the text--actually quite revealing for those of us interested in writing and the structure thereof.)

My list-making tendencies should not be news to anyone who reads this blog. We all know how much I love my New Years Resolutions--why, yes, that's the third time I've managed to mention them this year.
But the topic of the NY Times article is a more grandiose version of a New Years Resolution List--the Life List. I must say, I like this idea. Why not think big? I actually know a couple who does 6 month reviews of their 1,5 and 10 year plans, and they're ridiculously productive and successful. Of course, they don't have kids yet. I think fixing my office curtain rod has been on my to-do list for about six months now, obviating the need for any kind of review, since no progress whatsoever has been made.

But what would go on a life list? For some reason it's a little scary to contemplate. It sounds so momentous. What if you don't accomplish everything? What if you don't accomplish anything? Who really wants to think about that?
At least with New Years Resolutions, you can always start fresh in January. Perhaps there's a compromise? The article mentions a book: 101 things to do before you turn 40. With only 8 weeks remaining, I could accomplish this, if I did two per day on average. The only problem? This list includes ridiculous things like "eat the worm," "make out with the best man," and "quit your book club." I don't know. This all sounds a little trite to me. Maybe I'll just need to find the courage to make my own Life List.
The first item on it? Make a Life List.

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