Sunday, April 22, 2007


Go Ahead, Have a Beer at the Same Time!

"Driving while talking on the cell phone is as dangerous as driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08%. It's a scary thought."
So started the copy on this advertisement I found on the back of my personal favorite, People magazine. Oh, hooray, I thought. Finally, a voice of reason. Let's get off the cell phones, people. There's scientific proof that it's not safe--and now a wonderful new campaign to publicize it!
But wait a minute. Not so fast, Missy. What's this I see in the fine print? It's not an ad promoting safer driving?
It's an ad promoting Allstate's "Accident Forgiveness Program." "It keeps your rates from going up just because of an accident."
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but essentially Allstate encouraging people to continue driving with the equivalent of a few drinks on board!?? And what about the people who really are driving drunk and not just talking on their cell phones--this'll help them too. Hey, cross-marketing! Fabulous!

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