Monday, April 23, 2007


Just One More Puff

Right now I feel like a nicotine addict, hiding in a smoke-filled bathroom, with the windows open and the fan blasting, as I sneak one last ciggy.

It's National TV Turn Off Week and in our house we're doing "No Screens." That means no using the computer for any purposes other than work. I'm allowed to use my laptop during the hours that the kids are in school--hey, a blog can be "work"--anyone who's been keeping up with one for more than a few months knows that.

I'm actually excited about this experiment, and if it goes well, I'd love to continue it. For me, the computer is an irresistable temptress that lures me at all hours. It can get to be a bit much. Just ask Kelly--she's often the recipient of my multiple manic e-mails at six in the morning. Basically, I have no self control (although I have finally kicked the caffeine habit after umpteen million times trying. I finally feel safe saying it after four months of caffeine sobriety this time.)

So anyway, here's to more family time, more reading and more...whatever I find to fill the long empty hours that I used to tap, tap, tap away. My kids are over the moon. I think they might be willing to continue forgoing the videos and TV if they knew I'd never "just check my e-mail for five seconds, honey. Five seconds, promise!"


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